An Interesting Mix of Contemporary and Age Old Folk Tales!

Book: Submerged and Rehabilitated: Stories and Poems from Across the Mountains and Rivers

Author: Abhyudita Gautam Singha

Publisher: Notion Press

Pages: 138

Price: ₹199

Submerged and Rehabilitated brings us a collection of short stories and poems from the majestic mountains and rivers. These stories and poems, pluck several chords among the readers, ranging from nostalgia to pride in the sheer beauty of the homeland. They are the stories of the common people, with an interesting mix of contemporary and age-old folk tales. The author has incorporated various regional nuances and terms, which she goes on to explain effortlessly, without breaking the flow of the story. Geographical descriptions and historical significance of places are seamlessly woven into the stories and conversations within, making it a pleasantly refreshing experience.

The book gives a perspective on people from different walks of life, yet, their stories seem to connect them the same way the mountains do. While Rubta and friends are working tirelessly to get the ancient temple reinstated to its former glory, the way her grandmother remembers, Vidya has to go through years of personal and academic struggle to finally realize her dream of being a research scholar. The verses convey the stories in their way. The emotional tangent of simple, everyday occurrences reflects how special, existing in nature can be. Illustrations to go with the story take us back to the time when we refused to read anything that didn’t have pictures in it. They accompany the stories and poems in a manner, reminiscent of how elders held our hand while crossing the road.

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There are few instances in the book where the reader would find it difficult to keep a steady pace due to some grammatical and syntax errors, ignored during the process of editing. A handful of stilted conversations failed to make for natural progression in the story. Some readers might also notice a few ideas in the stories, that they might not agree with on a personal level, but those instances are few and far between.

To sum up, it is a book that will take you on a riveting journey through the winding roads of the high rise. Every character seems familiar in a way that has the reader rooting for them. It introduces us to the mountains such that, we already feel like we belong there.

About the Author

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