A Gripping Tale Enough to Increase our Legal Curiosity

Book: Honour Bound – Adventures Of An Indian Lawyer In The English Courts

Author: Sarosh Zaiwalla

Pages: 265

Price: Rs. 699

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

Rating: 4.5/5

Horror Bound
Horror Bound

I am really lucky to get this book which is filled with boundless knowledge and information on various arbitration cases which are a true eye-opener for the present generation.


I really appreciate the fact that how a young Parsi lawyer went to London along with a brief insight into his successful career after starting his brainchild, Zaiwalla & Co. The book contains some memorable Shipping cases which include The Anthoula case, The Everest Case, The Nefos 2 Case along with the Indian Oil Arbitration.


This book also covers some great renowned people who have created a storm in India including Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, V.P. Singh, and Hinduja Brothers along with The Bachchans. The book is a  gripping tale enough to increase our curiosity to know more and explore more as this has everything a young lawyer needs to understand.


The biggest takeaway from the book:


  • A lawyer never retires after all he has his Journey till the end.
  • A story of a solicitor who made his way to success but without compromising on his values.
  • I got knowledge about how one faces challenges in his cases. We should always be calm and think over our solutions within ourselves.


The book makes it easy for us to understand the International Arbitration to Indian courts. It makes the young lawyers more comfortable to go through how their life would be as a lawyer. It has been a great honour for me to have this book and it is surely one of the best legal books can ever have in his lifetime.


Reviewer: Simrin Kapoor

Simrin Kapoor is a Book Reviewer, learner and an educator. She loves to develop students’ interest in reading by motivating them to read.

She is a B.Com Honours graduate, now pursuing law from Shri Jai Narain PG College, Lucknow University.

Simrin Kapoor
Simrin Kapoor, Reviewer

About the Author

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