

Razia Sayed Jafferi; born and bought up in Mumbai has done her B.A in English literature from Mumbai University. An avid athlete, she has pursued her interest in music along with learning semi-classical music.


When the poems came like cascades;
And pulled the words out of me;
A cascade of words
Or a cascade of light!
The poems absorbed me,
And I absorbed the poems;
I had no choice but to write.
Anyway it’s the same old story
With a few people just trying;
One way or another
To survive ( from Virus ! )
To shield, defend, safeguard one’s self,
From unpredictability,
A precarious trail;
To sustain one’s abilities,
And undoubted capabilities.
To bring near the close ones;
By different sources
Like bonding, trust, compassion and gratitude.

Written by: Razia Sayed Jafferi

About the Author

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