Mohan Ranga Rao

Exploring the Inner Peace in Inner Trek

Book: Inner Trek- A Reluctant Pilgrim in the Himalayas

Author: Mohan Ranga Rao

Publisher: Coriander Press

Pages: 248

Price: ₹449

Rating: ****

How often we come across a man striving for peace in this era of materialism and globalization? And especially when it is considered an escape from our duties towards our loved ones as we are spoon-fed since our birth that inner peace and family responsibilities are almost a pole opposite object! At this juncture, when we find the travelogue-cum-memoir of a prominent industrialist and philanthropist where he had just crossed the borders of multiple states and travelled countless kilometers just to experience the inner peace, it becomes imperative to have a look at such a masterpiece, which chronicles his soulful journey and this could be none other than the Inner Trek- A Reluctant Pilgrimage in the Himalayas

Inner Trek

Even though it seems an urgency to get down into the intricacies of the book but before that we need to have a peep into the life of the author which in due course makes this book wonderful.

Mohan Ranga Rao is a prominent industrialist and philanthropist from Mysore. An MBA and engineering graduate, Mr. Mohan was instrumental in the launch of several successful businesses.

The 64-year-old entrepreneur loves trekking, travelling across the world, playing tennis and treats life like an enterprise. Tragedy struck him early in life and shattered his belief in anything divine when he lost his blind daughter to cancer when she was nine. His powerful writings are mostly experiences he gained from his expeditions around the globe, philosophical analysis of some of the most prevalent and pertinent issues of every common man and a mirror to how he handled the most difficult challenges in his own life.

Inner Trek is one such masterpiece which trudges through the various aspects of life as the book starts with the reference to a dead body symbolizing the eternal truth of the mortal world that is none other than the death. Not just it delves into the family love but also talks about the friendship and other human values. The tenacity of our family member to complete the rituals along with the coherent humour attached in sweet family arguments makes it an interesting read. As being a travelogue it makes us aware of the hassles attached along with a trip added with the concern of the family members. The book also gives us a detailed description about the travelling information along with the spiritual aspect of faith and reverence.

The book also very minutely depicts the change in the thought-process of  Mr. Mohan that how our vicinity in the land of god have the power to shed away our negativity along with instilling a new sense of calmness. How the passage of time make us realize the true meaning of life where the pieces of papers starts seeming irrelevant and the need to self-actualization tarts surmounting. The ingraining of spirituality and positivity not just leads to a new awakening in the life of Mr. Mohan but also serves as a torchbearer for the readers who strive for inner peace.

The flow of the language even being mostly informative which could be excused considering the  book being a travelogue makes it quite interesting for the readers. The book having small chapters helps to keep the masterpiece pacey and separates it from other travelogues. Inner Trek being a travelogue which prompts us to travel inside our own life makes it an imperative read!

About the Author

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