Rescue Stories

Lessons I Learnt from My Aging Pets

One of the most sad, scary, and depressing things pet owners have to face is the slow aging and eventual death of their pets. It’s never easy saying goodbye to your loved ones be it humans or pets cause the bond we make with them lasts for more than a lifetime. I still have the fondest memories of all my pets and get teary-eyed just remembering them, they are and will always be a part of me and we can never be separate.

My old man, Nawab is getting very old and slowing down, no longer do I see the excitement of going for a walk, eating, chasing, etc, his movements have slowed down but one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is the twinkle and love in his eyes, and gentle wagging of his tail. I know he is teaching me about acceptance but somehow, I am not ready for it and I don’t want to accept that I will soon have to let him go.

I see all around me my friends and colleagues losing their near and dear ones, most of our parents are in their late 80s, and the constant scare and worry is written on their faces. We all seem to be in the same boat and the same turmoil. Seeing my baby getting weaker day by day, eyesight declining due to old age, eating reduced, etc showing the same symptoms as humans when they near their end… a sign we all want to ignore and close our eyes too.

I am trying my best to learn what my old man is trying to tell or teach me that I must begin to accept that his end is inevitable. But how can I accept the fact that my companion, soulmate for these 18 years is going to leave me soon? We have had such a lovely journey, shared ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and comforted each other when needed. We have had so many journeys, explored so many new places, and discovered so many secrets, my constant shadow and now all I see is a frail, skinny tired shadow and every day is a struggle for both of us.

The lesson that our pets teach us is that our time with them is priceless and precious. We should appreciate it and not take it for granted, we should thank the ones who have given us so much and deal with the sadness we feel when it’s time to say goodbye.

Eventually, we know we will deal with it as every pet owner does somehow or the other and we will grieve our losses and go on in life.

All I ask is with them in their last moments, however hard it may be, hold their paws, kiss their forehead, hug them, speak to them, and let them know how much you love them. That’s all they are asking for in their last moments and when it’s time to say the final goodbye do it with dignity, grace, and love.

About the Author

Bhavani Sundaram is a blogger and author of motivational and inspirational books like Stories and Parables, Tales from Pandora Box, Threading Through Life’s Twists and Turns, Unseen and Unheard Women Warriors of Independent India, Quote …Unquote. She is an animal lover and activist and has worked with several animal NGOs- Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre, New Delhi, Shelter Manager SPCA Pune, Wildlife SOS, and Friendicoes Seca.

She has written two books on real-life animal and pet rescue stories – Furry Tails and Rescued Stories.

About the Author

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