Anandajit Goswami- Winning Author of The LIT Fest 2021

Prof. Anandajit Goswami, who is a Research scholar, Writer, Musician, Social worker, Teacher, Academician, Sustainability Practitioner often calls himself to be a zero. He defines that he is like the number Zero as that is the number that defines him and his journey from childhood starting from a feeling of timelessness, to the fallibility of incompletion with mistakes to a frequent uprising of completion within.

So whenever his characters from the books Pink Gender Extended, Rise of the Club of Central Tendency, LUCY Series are born, zero becomes important. Hence, Lucy, Shapno, Aman, Hema all like him are bearing a placard of a number zero. They are carrying with them a circle of life and completion at the same time. So this circular journey of life and birth of these characters makes him feel every time that texts are nothing but a collection of indiscernible voices. Hence, literature and writing are prosthetic symbolism for him to invent these indiscernible voices. Writing many times to Anandajit is like neuter of symbolic harmonies. His writing and life journey is like a space of a subject and predicate where the identities are lost and the text of him escapes him all the time. Whenever that happens the body of his text in his award-winning books like – Pink Gender Extended, Lucy 3 is lost in eternity and the tissues, muscles of that body are created and cremated at the same time in that space. With this loss of space of text, the fall of the author in him happens with a rise in zero – “the main identity within him.”

 With the advent of French rationalism, English Empiricism, personal faith in reformation, one human being became more important than the zero or neuter. Prof. Goswami’s journey collectively bashes this rise and does not want to celebrate the space of literature or text where both of them get transformed from neuter to a world centering around the writer or author. Anandajit’s work is constantly trying to destroy the empire of an author like Mallarme Proust from France who tried to destroy the lines and relationships between the author, his works, writer, readers, texts and imageries of a work. Hence this destruction happens by making life into a work of novel rather than the other way round. When it is being done, language as a system needs to be broken to create a neuter zero and imageries. Pink Gender Extended and Lucy 3 categorically try to do that. The linguistic importance of literary texts is intentionally broken in the Lucy series to create a neuter dimension of texts for imageries. He tries to worship the fact that role of language is to create a subject and when the subject ends, language should end and visual imageries and zero should begin. His literary works, again and again, hammer on this point. So, he strives to create a modern text to completely isolate the work from the act of writing to an interplay of visual imagery in the collective account of a reader for their own interpretation. This happens abstractly and directly in Pink Gender Extended and Lucy Series again and again. Thus, through him, every work becomes a past of the present and just like a relationship of antecedence which a father and mother maintain with their child. Writing for him is a one-time act and the writer is often a one-time actor. Hence, he states that an author or writer is a subject for one time whose act ends with every work and then creates a predicate in the next work to be left in the custody or prison of readers. Anandajit says by doing this he shifts the power from the writer or author in his books like – Pink Gender and Lucy Series to the reader through the circle of zero and an image of zero. Once this happens, according to him, the act of becoming zero is complete which means – “A release of humor, sentiments, naiveties, passion, impression then takes place. Then the writer, author collapses like a star and readers, critics conquer the imageries with an existential crisis of those imageries where the existence cannot be defined by God, reason, science, and law.”

This in a nutshell defines the locus of the journey of our award-winning author – Prof. Anandajit Goswami who has won the best author consecutively for the second time for his book – Lucy 3 after Pink Gender Extended.

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