
The Resurgence of the Conspiratorial Truth of the Taboo Tales

The word taboo itself is so sensitive that mere mortals intentionally refrain from talking about any subject that accompanies taboo in our society. It seems to take a toll on our moral and intellectual quotient simultaneously when we try even to scribble a single syllable on taboo topics. At the juncture of globalization and urbanization where various aspects that used to be taboo have become the new normal and then scribbling about taboo topics is definitely an uphill task! And, especially in a country where taboo aspects are associated mostly with females and then being a female, you muster the courage to write a short story collection on taboo topics. A big round of applause first of all to Prasupta Roy who has not just dared to write stories on taboo topics but also titled her collection; “Taboo Tales”.

The collection starts with a bang with the torment of Amina, who is not just forced to bear the daily purgatory hell but also the occasional hellish crucifixion which she does not want to tackle as it is nothing compared to her daily torment and the desire to have a better life for herself and her kids. The collection moves forward to touch on the aspect of domestic abuse and a woman’s dilemma to either be the ideal woman of society or to resurge her own life for an unfulfilled past and unchartered future. Not only does the author touches on the various evils hidden in plain sight but also takes a sensible approach to whether being the first one to approach to express our feelings to whom we love. Touching the harrowing pain of an old couple to the mad rush of collecting wealth at the cost of the lives of our beloved ones, the author’s words hit us like a harpoon in our hearts. She just not only touches the young generation but also portrays a parent’s helplessness to take care of their mentally ill child. It seems that the author really wants to challenge our moral compass as if her one story takes in the world where a parent is ready to sacrifice her individuality for the sake of their child, then, on the other hand, her other story introduces us to a monster father who is raping her own 15-year-old daughter from the last six years without remorse. The author very delicately touches on the hopes of a girl getting married someday in one story and in the other she chooses to give us a reality check where even today a lot of women are forced into prostitution by their own husbands.

The “Taboo Tales” has definitely been a testament to the tyranny of our society where just not we need to have a microscopic look but also be more sensitive with our eyes open to our surroundings. And,  I am very much sure that the “Taboo Tales” will be a timely reminder of our morality and will earnestly hope that Prasupta Roy will bring more such stories in the upcoming future which could perhaps help us to tire the tyrants and no one could get tangled in such senseless taboo.

By: Nitish Raj

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